Issues that Matter in Our Towns
My focus is on issues that impact the livelihood of our neighbors and livability of our communities. I will forge bipartisan relationships with the Representatives of other small towns to (finally) put us on Hartford's agenda.
Support for rural towns
As a Democrat, Kim will have a seat at the table with leadership to advocate for our issues like small business concerns as well as CT’s over-reliance on
property taxes.​
Small and agricultural business
We need to support our small businesses through accessible healthcare and easier distribution for farm products.
Connecticut is a high tax state with a historic amount of financial reserves. We can rebalance the
education formulas, continue
to pay down the pension debt, and address our regressive
tax structure.
Healthcare for everyone is
a pro-business and pro-people strategy to manage costs
for both businesses and household budgets.
Fairly funding public education through the Education Cost Sharing and Special Needs
funding formulas will reduce pressure on town budgets.
We need to support our students and teachers to regain educational and social milestones from the pandemic.
As a poll worker, Kim knows the integrity of our election system, how hard registrars work to implement early voting, and supports Ranked Choice Voting.
Seniors are often isolated and communities need targeted services to address their needs.
Affordable senior housing is needed for those wanting to downsize on a fixed income.
Gun safety
Working with both gun owners and advocacy groups is imperative to creating regulations that are not punitive to responsible owners and
create a safer environment.
Reproductive freedom
Access to the full range of healthcare, including reproductive healthcare, contraception, IVF,
and abortion, is imperative, as is protection of patient data.
Affordable housing
Affordable housing options allow our young people and our seniors to live in their community.
As seniors downsize, new families will move in, slowing
the declining school enrollment.
Climate change
Kim and all of us see the impacts of the climate crisis -- like extreme heat, storms -- right here, right now, and it just gets worse. We must take action.